Protecting your Business during the Christmas break

The Christmas holidays are a prime time for criminals to take advantage of businesses running with a heavily reduced staff count. Malicious cyber actors often take advantage of holidays and weekends to attack and disrupt critical networks, systems and infrastructure belonging to organisations.

Here are some tips for keeping your business cyber secure this Christmas…


Train your users: Your employees are your first line of defence, so ensuring they have proper training on what to look out for is imperative to keeping your business secure.

Do they know what to look for? Do they know how to report suspicious activity?

Arm your employees with all the information and tools they need to keep your business safe.


Think before you click: Does this email look right? Do I trust this link? Is this coming from a reliable source?

Phishing happens when intruders try to trick you into sharing your confidential information online. These are often disguised as emails or texts from people you know.

So, think before you click! If you have been hacked or suspect phishing, report it immediately.


Use strong passwords: Ensure your information is protected by updating your passwords and choosing unique, long and randomly generated passwords.

Use symbols, creative misspellings, and random capitalisations.

Store in a password manager like your phone or dedicated device.

Stay silent… keep your passwords to yourself.


Enable multi-factor authentication: This is a two-step process that makes you less likely to get hacked.

If your bank, social media, search engine or any trusted, password-required service asks you to set up extra credentials… DO IT!

Double security means double the protection.


Turn on automatic updates: Software updates are always issued for a reason; either there is a cool new feature, which you probably want or there is a software vulnerability that leaves your device, and information, at risk of bring hacked.

If you see a notification to update your software, don’t delay, update straight away. Or better still… turn on automatic updates.


For more advice on the correct Cyber Security solutions for your business, please get in touch with our team today. We’d be happy to work with you to ensure your business is always protected.


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023.. stay safe out there!

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